A new type of audio stimulus is binaural beats. Rhythm, music, and audio stimuli, in general, are used by humans to improve cognitive performances and enhance moods while studying or in social gatherings. Therefore, strengthening working memory (WM) can enhance the quality of numerous cognitive and behavioral outcomes. , and it is associated with many indices such as fluid intelligence, academic performance, and effective behavior. It is the system controlling the online organization and processing of information to temporarily hold, process, and operate information for effective comprehension, reasoning, decision-making, problem-solving, goal-directed behavior, language, solving arithmetical problems, understanding geometric analogies, etc. Working memory is one of the most fundamental and recognized cognitive functions and is known as the foundation of thinking and learning. Faster reactions might be correlated with greater hit rates, working memories, and sensitivities and also with lower false alarm rates. Aging and reduced sound intervention volume may slow down responses and increase the intrasubject variability of response time. Short-term training can increase the hit rate, working memory, and sensitivity and can decrease the false alarm rate and response time. Reactions were faster in the visuospatial modality than the auditory-verbal one, while the intrasubject variability of reaction times was smaller in the auditory-verbal modality. The response biases tended to be liberal-to-neutral in the verbal modality and rather conservative in the visuospatial modality. The 10 Hz intervention also caused the lowest intermodality discrepancies in hit rates and false alarm rates, the highest response time discrepancies, and negative discrepancies in working memories and sensitivities (indicating the superiority of the visuospatial modality). In the auditory-verbal modality, the 10 Hz intervention reduced the hit rate, false alarm rate, and sensitivity. The following are some major statistically significant findings ( P ≤ 0.05): In the visuospatial modality, the 10 Hz BB reduced the response time and intrasubject response time variability and reduced the extent of decline over time in the case of visuospatial working memory, sensitivity, and hit rate.